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Iba tak VIII.

Code: 23015


The book was written by Slovak writer Anton Lauček. It was donated by o.z. A smile for others. In the eighth edition, the stories are divided into two parts: Just about everything and Just a little bit vulgar.
Goran Lenčo: The reader has received the work of the series of prose miniatures by Anton Lauček under the title Iba tak VIII. Just like that - out of the blue, and yet not unexpected. Someone might say: You don't step into the same river twice. However, the author stepped there for the eighth time, but if we include the selections, we reach the number fourteen. Several of his books have already been sold out, and when they were just "dusting" behind them, the logical step became selections from them, many of which have a strange poetic or humorous title. Or to put it more succinctly: ridiculously gorgeous. For illustration, I give the titles of two: I'll knock your teeth out with my eyelids. Either way, or there will be no Revolution, because Comrade Lenin has lost his balalaika. Just so. Smiling and charming. But also harsh and sarcastic. These are also inherent Lauček's positions. He uses them both at the same time, creating harmony. If a writer is a master of his craft, Lauček is undoubtedly one, and this leads him to harmony, not dissonance. Although some of his lyrics are fiction, others are uncomfortably real. However, the author plays an honest game and separates fiction from reality, that is, he does not mystify. He introduces humor where it is needed, colors the text with a rare pungent spice. At the same time, he knows that everything must be dosed in moderation. Lauček will never cross it, he will not cross an imaginary line on the way to a first-rate humoresque. You rarely even laugh at Huron, but the appeal of his prose texts lies in something else. Even though you'll be smiling the whole time, you'll sometimes be overcome with disbelief and shake your head until the end. Humor has many forms, and Lauček is no stranger to it - not even black or instinctive, but he prefers subtle and socially engaged. 
More than once you raise an eyebrow at his record of human stupidity bordering on parody. If, like the author, you are a believer, you must admit that God has his own sense of irony. And if you are not a believer, read the special Only Like That, prepared just for you and boasting the name Only Like That for the Ungodly. There is probably no group or community - if injustice, untruth, sin, inhumanity thrives in it - on which the author would leave at least the proverbial thread dry. An agile communist, a political opportunist, a lax Christian who does not live according to the principles of his teachings, or "just" a member of the masses who willingly allowed himself to be enslaved by the dumbing down juggernaut called the media...
The author is not overly gentle with anyone. On the contrary. Well done! The secret of the success and appeal of Lauček's texts also lies in the fact that he is an excellent observer, as he holds up a mirror to the entire society. Each of his short stories, glosses, postcards, reminiscences, essays and reflections appeals to the reader, has a significant moral dimension and sets itself the task of awakening a person from the lethargy of the spirit into which he falls in the era of consumerism focused on cheap entertainment. It is a purification of the senses overwhelmed by the shallow and superficial attractions of a time inclined to unbridled hedonism.
It instructs, awakens, excites and... At the same time, it is excellent fun. However, he aims for something even more noble and succeeds in it - the effort to ennoble man. Quality literature has the strength and power to change a person for the better. Lauček chose a difficult task, so he inevitably gets into a dispute with the powerful and, indeed, moves many a hardened person. It is not confrontational for its own sake, but - one might say - takes a defensive stance because it is a defender of traditional values ​​in a world of postmodern relativism and general spiritual decay.
It would almost seem that Lauček, faithful to his profession, also works through literature as a pedagogue, teacher and mentor of a good and correct life. However, he is a teacher-friend, not a cold academic, taciturn, strict docent. His civil, humane approach will appeal to anyone who is willing to listen and who can swallow the healthy but bitter pill of justified criticism. Lauček is for dialogue and understanding. It is already clear in the opening prose of his latest Iba tak VIII. Opposite poles meet at least on the equator, so love will unite a pious young man and an ardent Marxist. Because even that which is contrasting can find its way to each other if there is a really good intention in the first place.
And again we come to the intermingling of contradictions. The basic intention of Lauček's texts probably follows from the personality of the author. And he is an author who finds balance. At the same time, he is equally close to the physical world, the mental world and the world of fantasy and flight. His world of harmony will speak to the reader through the work Iba tak. There we find him to inspire us. Consciously. Not only...

Dimensions: 15x16 cm
Release year: 2017
Number of pages: 95
Printing: Kubík Printing House, Námestovo
ISSN 0862-5999

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